Corporate Life 2

by sealldev
🚩 CTFs KashiCTF 2025 web
Suggested: #sql-injection
Corporate Life 2 / KashiCTF 2025
Corporate Life 2


The disgruntled employee also stashed some company secrets deep within the database, can you find them out?

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Same process as Corporate Life 1 getting to /v2-testing but the SQLi requires UNION injection to view the contents of another table.

We can try and list the tables (I did this on the Corporate Life 1 instance assuming the flag was stored on both), I identified it was SQLite using a payload from PayloadAllTheThings.


Now that we know the table is called flags and has columns request_id and secret_flag, we can dump the contents.


Flag: KashiCTF{b0r1ng_old_c0rp0_l1f3_am_1_r1gh7_FbU5cNXH}

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