Corporate Life 1

by sealldev
🚩 CTFs KashiCTF 2025 web
Suggested: #sql-injection
Corporate Life 1 / KashiCTF 2025
Corporate Life 1


The Request Management App is used to view all pending requests for each user. It’s a pretty basic website, though I heard they were working on something new. Anyway, did you know that one of the disgruntled employees shared some company secrets on the Requests Management App, but it's status was set denied before I could see it. Please find out what it was and spill the tea!

Original Writeup on

I started by looking for anything interesting on the application initiallty, but could not find any information.

I looked at the network tab and investigated the _buildManifest.js

(self.__BUILD_MANIFEST = (function (e, r, s) {
  return {
    __rewrites: { afterFiles: [], beforeFiles: [], fallback: [] },
    __routerFilterStatic: {
      numItems: 0,
      errorRate: 1e-4,
      numBits: 0,
      numHashes: null,
      bitArray: [],
    __routerFilterDynamic: {
      numItems: 0,
      errorRate: 1e-4,
      numBits: e,
      numHashes: null,
      bitArray: [],
    "/": ["static/chunks/pages/index-6413244cd5618b98.js"],
    "/_error": ["static/chunks/pages/_error-fde50cb7f1ab27e0.js"],
    "/v2-testing": ["static/chunks/pages/v2-testing-fb612b495bb99203.js"],
    sortedPages: ["/", "/_app", "/_error", "/v2-testing"],
})(0, 0, 0)),

Inside is the /v2-testing endpoint, which reveals a new page with a filter.

In this ‘filter’ is an SQLi vulnerability, using ' OR 1=1 OR ' results in printing all entries in the table and reveals the flag.


Flag: KashiCTF{s4m3_old_c0rp0_l1f3_xPZDbQxY}

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