Signaling Victorious

by sealldev
đźš© CTFs HackTheBox University CTF 2024 forensics
Suggested: #memory-forensics #ghidra
Signaling Victorious / HackTheBox University CTF 2024
Signaling Victorious


"In a recent raid with your fellow bounty hunters you managed to recover a memory dump and a backup archive of the Frontier Board's Operation Center! The Board knows the Starry Spurr lies within your grasp and they are getting even more desperate... Uncover whatever secrets lie within the artefacts you are given and find a way to halt the Board's plans!! Note: Carefully read the readme.txt in the downloadables!"

Original Writeup on

Given a memory dump and a password locked backup.7z, I dived into the memory dump.

It was a Windows memory dump, I started by using vol3, eventually found that the desktop app for the SMS app Signal was installed and a suspicious backuper.exe was running.

Using MemProcFS we grab the executable file and open it in Ghidra.


This snippet was the part of interest, we can see its pulling from LSA so I use vol3’s LSA dumper and find OfflineBackupKey (which was referenced in the exe).

We get a hex response:

28 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 79 00 59 00 6a 00 38 00 67 00 35 00 50 00 6b 00 36 00 68 00 21 00 2d 00 4b 00 33 00 70 00 42 00 4d 00 53 00 78 00 46 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

This decodes to (yYj8g5Pk6h!-K3pBMSxF, but we need to drop the (, this gives the password for the backup.7z: yYj8g5Pk6h!-K3pBMSxF.

Looking into Signal’s encryption system they changed to a new one using the Local State DPAPI encryption to encrypt the config.json key which is used to decrypt the DB.

From here on was information from other writeups after the CTF concluded!

Dumping the memory of Signal.exe’s parent process, you can then search for “SQLite 3 database” header, and find encryption key in hex!

You can also still do it with MemProcFS but it removes the lsass.exe, so you need to patch it out in vmm.dll so it dumps it. then you can utilise mimikatz and do the rest.

Note: You could also do this properly by extracting DPAPI keys from memory and using to decrypt masterkey in %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Protect and using that decrypt the key from config.json.

Open the database using SQLCipher with that key and view the messages table for the username and password of the Docker instance (connect according to instructions in readme.txt)

After visiting the Credentials tab, you will be given the flag.txt.

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