Mob psycho

by sealldev
PicoCTF icon PicoCTF forensics
Suggested: #jadx #cyberchef
Mob psycho
Mob psycho


Can you handle APKs?

We are given a mobpsycho.apk, APKs are Android Application Packages and can be decompiled and extracted like ZIP archives to view their contents.

I start by extracting it like a zip with 7z:

$ 7z x mobpsycho.apk

7-Zip [64] 17.05 : Copyright (c) 1999-2021 Igor Pavlov : 2017-08-28
p7zip Version 17.05 (locale=utf8,Utf16=on,HugeFiles=on,64 bits,10 CPUs LE)


Folders: 46
Files: 726
Size:       10832069
Compressed: 4136368

I then use tree to view the directory structure:

  • AndroidManifest.xml contains information about the application, more information.
  • META-INF/ folder contains the manifest information and other metadata about the java package carried by the jar file, more information.
  • classes.dex - classes3.dex contain compiled Android application source code, more information.
  • res/ contains all the resources used by the application, more information.
  • resources.arsc contains the resources used by the application such as strings, values, styles, and other information. More information.

Most of the interesting files (without decompiling with a program such as jadx) are going to be in res/.

Some common files are going to contain pico, or have flag in the name or contents, let’s start by using find.

$ find . -name '*pico*'

Has no results…

Maybe with grep we can check the contents (recursively, and ignoring case with -iR)?

$ grep -iR 'picoCTF' .

Nothing! Let’s use find to see if we can find a flag.

$ find . -name '*flag*'

Woo! Let’s read that file.

$ cat res/color/flag.txt

That looks like hexadecimal data, there are various ways we can decode it (CyberChef,, etc) but I use python:

import binascii
$ python3

Flag: picoCTF{ax8mC0RU6ve_NX85l4ax8mCl_5e67ea5e}

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