Binary Quest

by sealldev
🚩 CTFs KnightCTF 2025 rev
Suggested: #ghidra
Binary Quest / KnightCTF 2025
Binary Quest


In the far-off kingdom of Valoria, an ancient relic called the “Sacred Flag” lies hidden within a guarded fortress. Legend says only a true knight of cunning and skill can lay claim to its power. Dare you venture into the shadows and emerge victorious? Your journey begins now—onward, brave soul, and seize your destiny in the Binary Quest.

Original Writeup on

We are given a binary and I try to decompile it with Ghidra but it fails to…

I check it with DetectItEasy and notice its packed with UPX 4.24 (no screenshot I overwrote the old version oopsie).

I download the UPX v4.2.4 and use upx -d to unpack it.

I can now begin to decompile it with Ghidra and understand its functionality.


There are a few functions but FUN_001010a0 contains the meat and potatos.

The flag logic check is:

  iVar1 = strcmp(local_58,local_98);
  if (iVar1 == 0) {
    puts("\nYou have proven your valor, oh noble knight!");
    puts("The kingdom rejoices at your triumph, and the hidden flag is indeed yours.\n");
  else {
    puts("\nAlas, you have failed this time. The quest remains unfulfilled...");
    puts("Return stronger and try again, brave knight.\n");

Looking at those two variables, local58 is the user input and local98 is defined as:

  local_98._8_8_ = 0x7334655f37695f73;
  local_98._0_8_ = 0x34575f7b4654434b;

We can decode that hex (with some reordering) to get the flag.

The first line decodes to s4e_7i_s and the second line is 4W_{FTCK. We need to reverse the strings to be KCTF{_W4 and s_i7_e4s.

We are missing a bit of the flag, the variable above local88 contains the rest:

local_88._0_4_ = 0x7d5f3f59;

Hex decoded + reversed = Y?_}

Flag: KCTF{_W4s_i7_e4sY?_}

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