Binary Quest

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We are given a binary
and I try to decompile it with Ghidra but it fails to…
I check it with DetectItEasy and notice its packed with UPX 4.24 (no screenshot I overwrote the old version oopsie).
I download the UPX v4.2.4 and use upx -d
to unpack it.
I can now begin to decompile it with Ghidra and understand its functionality.
There are a few functions but FUN_001010a0
contains the meat and potatos.
The flag logic check is:
iVar1 = strcmp(local_58,local_98);
if (iVar1 == 0) {
puts("\nYou have proven your valor, oh noble knight!");
puts("The kingdom rejoices at your triumph, and the hidden flag is indeed yours.\n");
else {
puts("\nAlas, you have failed this time. The quest remains unfulfilled...");
puts("Return stronger and try again, brave knight.\n");
Looking at those two variables, local58
is the user input and local98
is defined as:
local_98._8_8_ = 0x7334655f37695f73;
local_98._0_8_ = 0x34575f7b4654434b;
We can decode that hex (with some reordering) to get the flag.
The first line decodes to s4e_7i_s
and the second line is 4W_{FTCK
. We need to reverse the strings to be KCTF{_W4
and s_i7_e4s
We are missing a bit of the flag, the variable above local88
contains the rest:
local_88._0_4_ = 0x7d5f3f59;
Hex decoded + reversed = Y?_}
Flag: KCTF{_W4s_i7_e4sY?_}