Scan Surprise

by sealldev
PicoCTF icon PicoCTF forensics
Scan Surprise
Scan Surprise


I've gotten bored of handing out flags as text. Wouldn't it be cool if they were an image instead?

We are given a that has a directory home with the following directory tree:

$ tree -a .
└── ctf-player
    └── drop-in
        └── flag.png

3 directories, 1 file

Viewing flag.png is a QR code image.


I use the zbarimg tool, used to read QR codes from images. I use it in my terminal and get the flag:

$ zbarimg ctf-player/drop-in/flag.png
scanned 1 barcode symbols from 1 images in 0.01 seconds

Flag: picoCTF{p33k_@_b00_3f7cf1ae}

Note: This could also be solved scanning manually with a mobile device or using an online website to do so!

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