PW Crack 4

by sclux7
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PW Crack 4


Can you crack the password to get the flag?
Download the password checker here and you'll need the encrypted flag and the hash in the same directory too.
There are 100 potential passwords with only 1 being correct. You can find these by examining the password checker script.

Understanding the challenge

This is the fourth installment in the PW Crack series. I highly recommend completing the other ones from the start as they teach you different and important skills in each one, however only the fourth one was chosen to be demo’d in Hack Hub. But do what you will I am merely a voice inside your head as you are reading this text. With all that out of the way, let’s get cracking! After using wget on all three files and ensuring they are all in the same directory, we can then cat and start reading how the program works.

def level_4_pw_check():
    user_pw = input("Please enter correct password for flag: ")
    user_pw_hash = hash_pw(user_pw)

    if( user_pw_hash == correct_pw_hash ):
        print("Welcome back... your flag, user:")
        decryption = str_xor(flag_enc.decode(), user_pw)
    print("That password is incorrect")                      


# The strings below are 100 possibilities for the correct password.
#   (Only 1 is correct)
pos_pw_list = ["158f", "1655", "d21e", "4966", "ed69", "1010", "dded", "844c", ...]


This part of the program is especially interesting, as we can instead make it use the correct password, print it and then the flag. We change the above to the following:

def level_4_pw_check():

pos_pw_list = ["158f", "1655", "d21e", "4966", "ed69", "1010", "dded", "844c", "40ab", "a948", "156c", "ab7f", "4a5f", >

for i in pos_pw_list:

     user_pw_hash = hash_pw(i)

     if( user_pw_hash == correct_pw_hash ):

         print("Welcome back... your flag, user:")

         decryption = str_xor(flag_enc.decode(), i)



print("That password is incorrect")

Analysing the above:

  • We move pos_pw_list to inside the function so that we may call upon it later
  • We use a for loop to iterate through the list so that when the correct password is selected, it then prints the flag
  • We change user_pw_hash = hash_pw(user_pw) to user_pw_hash = hash_pw(i) so that each password from pos_pw_list is run through the hash_pw function

After changing this and running the program with python3, we get the flag.

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