
by sealldev
đźš© CTFs SecEdu CTF 2024 osint
in_flight_entertainment / SecEdu CTF 2024


Intelligence suggests a key NO_NO_NO member travels frequently between multiple countries. A photograph, likely taken by this individual during one of their trips, has been intercepted. Help us find the flight number. This information could be crucial in predicting their movements and potentially intercepting them at an airport.
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This challenge we got close to but missed some pieces, we are given a photo of an airborne plane: pretty_landscape.jpg

We can extract some crucial information from the photo:

  • It’s on an airline KLM
  • The flaps are down, and the plane is low altitude, so likely taking off from the runway and were above a major city
  • The photo was taken at 5:50pm on the 20th of October 2024
  • It was taken in the CEST timezone, so likely in Europe somewhere

Already some good information! Using we identified the city below as Zurich!

We tried looking for many flights with various Google dorks but never found the right one, here was the solution as shared by another MQCybersec Team: JKVM!

  • They presumed it was likely Zurich to Amsterdam, as it’s a common route for this airline. Airlines typically fly to and from their main country.
  • Flight tracking websites generally have a limited range of data for historical, so Googling had mostly nothing.
  • This site allowed for time lookup’s of a particular route (LZSH to EHAM).
  • Flight KL1962 was the correct plane.

My personal problem I had with this challenge was the stiff attempts limit, and we also just didn’t find this site so… skill issue :’)

Flag: KL1962

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