
by sealldev
🚩 CTFs SecEdu CTF 2024 osint
Photo-oops / SecEdu CTF 2024


They've cleared out some old files from storage, as they're needing to reference some physical documents due to the partial outage. One of these photos is brought up to your team by an intreigued employee -- it belongs to a Tanya, but that's not a name of one of their employees. Where was this photo taken?? Wrap the city name in'SECEDU{}. Don't forget to capitalise the city name!

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We are supplied this photo: photooops.png

I immediately notice two things:

The partial phone number and car dealership ad on the right.

  • (4722) 376
  • Genser

The Cyrillic on the left cyrillic.png

I start dorking for this dealership, I search for "genser" "4722" and get a hit: @genserjlr on Instagram!


Looks like a match!

I do some more dorking for some other results of the dealership as the website is very not alive…

I find an address on this random car dealership site for an address in Belgorod!

Flag: SECEDU{Belgorod}

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