Wayyyy back, I liked?

by sealldev
🚩 CTFs SecEdu CTF 2024 osint
Wayyyy back, I liked? / SecEdu CTF 2024
Wayyyy back, I liked?


Can you find Cipher's favourite colour?
Format the flag accordingly: SECEDU{HH:MM:SS_MM_DD,_YYYY}
This should be when this discussion was recorded.

Original Writeup on seall.dev

Looking at the previous information, we can see the mention of a Reddit comment under u/S4dP4nd4_444.

Visiting https://www.reddit.com/user/S4dP4nd4_444/ we see a single comment on a Reddit post about their cat, Catzilla!


Checking the web archive, there is an archive on the 23rd of August!


Visiting the comment we can see when it’s published.

Flag: SECEDU{08:02:19_08_23,_2024}

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