Secret meeting?

by sealldev
🚩 CTFs SecEdu CTF 2024 osint
Secret meeting? / SecEdu CTF 2024
Secret meeting?


Something that might be useful is an email address. What can we find with the information that has now been revealed to us? A particular commit might suggest a secret event may have taken place...

Original Writeup on

I use the GitFive tool to extract an email address from their GitHub profile.

$ gitfive user Br0kenC1ph3r23                             
                   %%                   %%                  
                 (%%%%%,             (%%%%%,                
           (((      @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@                    
              *((          @@@@@@@                          
                *((       @@@@@@@@@                         
                  (((((. @@@@@@@@@@@                        

                  By: mxrch (🐦 @mxrchreborn)
            Support my work on GitHub Sponsors ! πŸ’– 

            > GitFive 1.1.8 (Five Eyes Edition) <             

πŸŽ‰ You are up to date !

[DEBUG] Cookies valid !

Username : Br0kenC1ph3r23
Name : Empty
ID : 179190221

[+] Custom profile pic !


[+] 36 potential emails generated !
[METAMON] πŸ™ Added commits in 0.15s !

[+] [TARGET FOUND] 🐱 [email protected] -> @Br0kenC1ph3r23

[+] Deleted the remote repo

Now with the email [email protected] we can just use GHunt to dump anything interesting from the Google account itself.

$ ghunt email [email protected]                                                                                                                 130 ↡

     .d8888b.  888    888                   888    
    d88P  Y88b 888    888                   888    
    888    888 888    888                   888    
    888        8888888888 888  888 88888b.  888888 
    888  88888 888    888 888  888 888 "88b 888    
    888    888 888    888 888  888 888  888 888    
    Y88b  d88P 888    888 Y88b 888 888  888 Y88b.  
     "Y8888P88 888    888  "Y88888 888  888  "Y888 v2

             By: mxrch (🐦 @mxrchreborn)
       Support my work on GitHub Sponsors ! πŸ’–

         > GHunt 2.2.0 (Wardriving Edition) <        

πŸŽ‰ You are up to date !

[+] Stored session loaded !
[+] Authenticated !

πŸ™‹ Google Account data

[+] Custom profile picture !

[-] Default cover picture

Last profile edit : 2024/08/27 07:24:39 (UTC)

Email : [email protected]
Gaia ID : 110486421704465038404


πŸ—ΊοΈ Maps data

Profile page :

[-] No review.

πŸ—“οΈ Calendar data

[+] Public Google Calendar found !

Calendar ID : [email protected]
Calendar Timezone : Australia/Sydney

[+] 2 events dumped ! Showing the last 2 ones...

β•‘         Name          β”‚   Datetime (UTC)    β”‚ Duration β•‘
β•‘ Happy Birthday to Me! β”‚          ?          β”‚    ?     β•‘
β•‘    Secret Meeting     β”‚ 2024/09/02 23:00:00 β”‚  1 hour  β•‘

πŸ—ƒοΈ Download link :
=>[email protected]/public/basic.ics

We can see a β€˜Secret Meeting’ being organised, so let’s have a look at that Google Calendar ICS file in a text editor.

We see the following information about the β€˜Secret Meeting’:

Meeting with CipherM1ndΒ about getting more involved.

 - How do I open this file - they said they used my password?  (I don't haveΒ **infinite**Β patience)
 - Deleting that Reddit comment I made under my S4dP4nd4_444 account??? What do they mean I did oopsec?

Flag: HerpDerpIHaveaPuBL1cKalendar

Join with Google Meet:

Learn more about Meet at:

Flag: SECEDU{HerpDerpIHaveaPuBL1cKalendar}

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