Encoded, secret message?
by sealldev
🚩 CTFs SecEdu CTF 2024 cryptography
Encoded, secret message? / SecEdu CTF 2024

Original Writeup on seall.dev
This challenge we were given a string of characters: 籜籎籌籎籍籞粄籮籷籬簹籭籲籷籰籨籶簽籼籽簼类籨簹类籨籼簹籶簼籽籱簺籷籰粆
Plugging this into CyberChef, I remember generally that ROT8000 converts to these kinds of characters. I am correct and it decodes to the flag.
DCode’s Cipher Detection also picks it up as ROT8000.
Flag: SECEDU{enc0ding_m4st3r_0r_s0m3th1ng}