Bridget Lives

by sealldev
🚩 CTFs DownUnderCTF 2024 osint
Bridget Lives / DownUnderCTF 2024
Bridget Lives


After dropping numerous 0days last year Bridget has flown the coop. This is the last picture she posted before going dark. Where was this photo taken from?
NOTE: Flag is case-insensitive and requires placing inside DUCTF{}! e.g. DUCTF{name_of_building}

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We are supplied a bridget.png.


Due to the unique shape of the bridge I put it into Google Images. After some scrolling and some similar-ish bridges but a different background, I find a match.


The Robertson Bridge, Singapore is the one!


We can see the circle foyer in the background of the original image, meaning the photo had to be taken from Four Points.

Flag: DUCTF{four_points}

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