The MQCyberSec club is the place to be for all Macquarie University students who are interested in cybersecurity and Capture the Flag competitions.
Join our weekly cybersecurity challenges every Thursday from 5-7 PM in Room 113, 4RPD. Open to all skill levels - discover the exciting world of ethical hacking.
Explore the evolution of our cybersecurity team, showcasing our growth and dedication year by year.
Our team's global and regional standings on CTF Time.
2022 Rankings
🥈 Australia Rank: #2
Global Rank: #307
2021 Rankings
Australia Rank: #12
Global Rank: #507
2020 Rankings
Australia Rank: #14
Global Rank: #912
Our team has excelled in various Capture The Flag competitions, demonstrating our skills and expertise in cybersecurity challenges.
Explore our detailed writeups for various CTF challenges we've solved and learn from our experiences.
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